1 of 13 The line to get into the concert is several blocks long...3 hours before the concert!
2 of 13 Local businesses showed their support for Leah Marlene
3 of 13 The stage is set!
4 of 13 5 of 13 That's the stage in the background. Nice crowd to welcome Leah Marlene home to Normal for the American Idol finale
6 of 13 7 of 13 8 of 13 Leah Marlene at the podium to thank her hometown for declaring it Leah Marlene Day
9 of 13 10 of 13 11 of 13 Gotta have a lot of security for an event like this
12 of 13 People making their way through downtown to get to the concert.
13 of 13 The American Idol finale is coming up Sunday on WQAD-TV 8. Kirk Marske of Moline was in Normal, Illinois, on Tuesday and got some behind-the-scenes pictures as the town celebrated Leah Marlene Day and featured a concert by the American Idol finalist.